Friday, August 27, 2010

Moving on Up! (North)

Big things are going to be happening! The Toledo Baptist Temple has closed on 32 acres of property that is 3 miles directly north of its current location. Depending on when the TBT building sells, we plan to begin construction on this piece of land located in Lambertville, MI. It is an amazing property that we were blessed to get at an unbelievable price, and we hope to use it to effectively reach the people in the surrounding area.

The red border shows TBT's current property, with the church on the left side. Towards the right of the border is a back building that Head Start has rented from us for several years now, so in actuality, we've only been using about half of this area.

Using the same scale, here is a shot of the newly acquired land, which goes from Douglas Road on the right all the way to the left edge of the photo. Part of the property will be protected wetlands, as there is a sometimes dry creek that runs through it. Plans are to use the space for community outreach and make it available for people to use it for walking trails, recreation, possible skateboard park, etc. We've already met several teens who have been using the area for ATV riding. Towards the west edge of the property, you can see that the trees sort of form a natural ampitheater . . .we hope to make that useful!

Our church is excited and ready for the move! Directions study groups and FLOCS ministries are going full force as we shift to a new era. Our Harvestfest in October is going to serve as a grand kickoff for the new land. There are some pretty huge developments regarding that, I'll be able to share them very shortly!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I can't stop looking at this website. It has probably 70-100 pages, and one evening not too long ago, I viewed every single one! Toys from my childhood, long-forgotten favorite foods, and 80's memories in general -how could I not love it?

Three items stood out in particular and were a huge part of my pre-school days:

I taught myself how to read on this Fisher-Price desk. I remember sitting on the floor in front of my closet, tracing the letters on the chalkboard, placing the magnet letters in the slots, and trying to sound out of the word "bath".

Maybe the time spent on this toy helped contribute to my current accounting/financial background.

The Fisher-Price medical kit! I think I lost the pill bottle early on, because I don't remember it, but the stethoscope worked surprisingly well and the blood pressure thingy was fun to spin round and round. The medical kits are still sold today, but they just don't appear nearly as cool. Now get off my lawn. Not an earth-shattering post, but I've had fun revisiting slices of my childhood. What are some of your favorite toys?
I'll try to do better with my blog updates, I've even had TWO whole requests for me to get back at it. I'm currently mad at my camera, which has been casting dark shadows on my pics lately, so we'll see what I can do.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My 8-year old son, Connor, wrote a book for me for Mother's Day. It's always eye-opening to see what perspective your child holds of you and his book pretty much reveals it.

My Mom's name is Kim. She likes to wear makeup mostly every day.
She works at Ronald McDonald House. She works on the computer.
When she doesn't have work to do, she likes to get e-mail.
Just for fun, sometimes we like to go shopping together. I love my mom.
One thing my mom does not like is cats because she's allergic. I wish she wasn't.
I can make my mom happy when I clean for her. I don't like cleaning though.
The best thing my mom cooks is spaghetti. I love my mom and spaghetti.
She's really good at cooking too. I love her cooking. (picture of him saying "Yay! Macaroni!)
My mom taught me how to talk. Now I can talk really good!
I think my mom wishes for a beautiful garden. And I think my family will build one.
I know my mom loves me because she took me to "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs". I liked that movie.
Mom knows I love her because I make her laugh. That's why she loves me and I love her.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Team Croatia Missions Trip - Day 7

(I'm determined to finish blogging about this trip before I return to my regular blogging.)

Day 7 - Sunday

We went to the Sunday morning service in Verazdin, where the other missionary works. The sky was bright and blue that day . . .

This house was across the street from the church. It was the largest house in the country I saw the whole time we were there. It also had a uniquely modern look, and lacked the terra cotta roof that almost all the other buildings had.

A crown of thorns was on their fence . . .interesting.

Bethany, Lizzie, Nichole, Hannah, Elvira, Lacey, and Melissa

Elvira and Brett wait for the service to start.

I wonder if I'll ever get to see Elvira again . . .I've mailed her a couple letters, but it's hard to know if they definitely reach her or not. Later that week, she told us that she had informed her mother that she wanted to visit the States when she's 20. . .hopefully, we can help arrange that.

After the service on Sunday night, we enjoyed the cool evening and goofed around with the kids. They loved to ham it up for the camera.

Especially the boys . . .

Melissa and I smile with one of the girls, I forget her name. Elvira's mother is in the background to my left.

By this time, i was missing my own kids like crazy, and it was Cole's 4th birthday that day, so it was good to hang on to Elvira and take her in as one of my own.

Later, we headed to the downtown square and ordered pizza at the local cafe. We were so hungry for "American" food by this time, we could hardly stand it. Normally, our group couldn't fit into the van, but we didn't want to take two trips, so four of us crammed in the back of the van, between the back seat and the doors, crouched in the small space. Yeah, after I snapped this picture, I jumped in there with them, and they shut the door on us.
Around midnight, we got on skype and had a conference call back to our home church during the evening service. We got to share with them our experiences for the week. It was so good to hear from familiar voices even though we had only been gone for 7 days.

We had it arranged for several of us to answer questions from those back home. Right when it was my turn, the person who asked the question was Baylea. It caught me off guard, and I had to choke back some tears as I answered her . . .it was so good to hear her voice and I missed her and my other babies so much.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Team Croatia Missions Trip - Day 6

Day 6, Saturday- We hit the town of Cakovec again for witnessing. Brett took this particular corner. The first few days of weather had been pretty mild, cool actually. It was now starting to really heat up.

We all took a break at one of the cafes in the square for drinks and ice cream. There were tons of these stores that sold gelato, that was more of an "ice" than a "cream" and had wonderful swirls of real fruit and stuff in it.

At least I got a Coke Zero, still wanted it iced, however. This place made we wish we had little outdoor cafes where we could all meet up together every afternoon.

Reuben finishes up his ice cream.

Alen, who was from Croatia, joined us for several of our outings that week. He was a great guy and was a tremendous help in translating for us.

What's up Digger?

Saturday afternoon we drove out an hour or so to have a picnic by this river, enjoy the sunshine, and see a little more of the country. Due to a lot of rain, the river was pretty high, and we had some difficulty getting down to this spot from the roads. There was even some roadblocks set up, where the path was blocked up with rocks and dirt. We thought that warning must not apply to us, so our four vehicle caravan drove up a steep enbankment to the side of the roadblock and we forged on through to the picnic site. If we could drive around it here, it should be no problem getting out. (Do you sense any foreshadowing yet?)

Jared and Justin set up fishing lines.

Cody, the oldest son of the Leslie family.


Bethanny and Lizzie

Lacey and me

Rebekah, daughter of the Croatian national pastor. I loved how you pronounced her name, it was RAY-bek-ah, and remember to roll the R. Isn't she a cutie?

And here's the group right before we leave the picnic site and head back to Cakovec. This actually could have been an eerie "before" picture . . .as in, this was right before I broke some bones, got stitches, etc. Remember back in Day One, I said stay tuned for drama with the Toastermobile? Here it is. Just after this was taken, we all loaded back up into the vans. The missionary families were in their own vehicles, some of our group went in the Leslies' van, and the rest of us got in the rental van (the Toastermobile). We headed out on the dirt roads that would lead us back to the town we were residing in, but didn't go back the way we came, instead following the river and coming to another roadblock of dirt and gravel. It was a pretty steep enbankment on the side, but we really didn't have a choice but to rev it up and drive up the slope in order to get out to the main roads. The first van charged up the hill and made it to the top of the slope. It was our turn.
We got a good start going, but just as we headed up the slope, the left side of the van sank in the wet ground and all of a sudden, we are stuck with the van leaning over at a terrible angle. It's hard to explain, but it was not a good situation at all. We all kind of froze inside the van, not knowing what to do. The wheels were stuck, so it wasn't going to be moving any more forward, but it felt like it was about to roll over any moment. With 9 passengers in it, if it started rolling, it was not going to be a pretty sight. Maybe what freaked me out more, was when I saw the people in the first van get out and run toward us with panicked looks on their faces. Hhhm, maybe we are in deep trouble . . . I braced my hands against the roof of the van, thinking that if it started rolling I could maybe protect my neck from hitting first. We all kind of didn't know whether to remain completely still or to climb out of the right side of the van, hoping that the shift in weight wouldn't set everything in motion. The rest of the group was surrounding us by now and they told us to climb out as fast as we can. So, we did that. Thankfully, the van did not tip over as we exited to right. After several minutes of discussion, one of the Croatian guys climbed into the van and was able to drive it out of its predicament. We were so thankful that no one was injured and that we didn't have to explain to the van rental place why we were returning a damaged vehicle. We all breathed a sigh of relief and agreed that it would definitely be a story to tell later at home. I know several people have pictures of the whole incident, but my camera was in the van. I'll have to borrow someone's picture and post it sometime.
Anyway, we were able to drive back the other way and made it "home" later that evening.

Team Croatia Missions Trip - Day 5

Friday morning, we held the last day of Bible classes for the children. Every day, they were such a treat and it was so rewarding to work with the kids. The language barrier was still somewhat an issue, but we heavily relied on the few kids who could interpret to the others for us. We tried to push ourselves out of our comfort zone too and attempt to communicate back to them in their own language, though the kids had no problem laughing at our attempts.

What would Vacation Bible School be without flannelgraph? As Melissa and Pastor Rich told of the story of the conversion of Paul, Jason and Lacey worked the flannel board.

Our second activity was much like hot potato. They passed around a package that was several layers of wrapping and between each layer was a bunch of candy. When it stopped at a kid, they had the option to keep the candy for themself, or to share it with others.

They were all very interested in getting the candy.

We did some more face painting, and little Viktorija chose a pretty flower.

Some of them asked to have our names painted on their faces. It was striking to see possibly how much impact you could have on a young life in such a short span of time.

Brett performs his famous Missing Wedding Ring trick for Stoijan. Given the stories we had been told about the gypsy population, I was concerned that one of them might pull a sleight of hand of their own and the ring would go missing for sure. But we didn't come across any of that, and the kids were surprisingly well behaved the whole week. They were energetic at times, but they all got involved in the activities and crafts we did, and seemed to enjoy the three mornings of class.

The kids loved to have their picture taken. We were happy to oblige.

In the afternoon, we went to another town nearby named Verazdin (Vuh-rahj-din). It also had beautiful castles and a quaint village feel. It was rainy that day, so the missionaries told us not to expect too many people outside. There is a mindset that wet weather causes people to fall ill, so most of them stay inside when it's raining. They also feel the same way about ice cubes and cold drinks, which I had a very hard time getting used to. About four days in, I wasn't the only one who was craving a Big Gulp with tons of ice.

I love how neat and clean the streets are leading towards the main village square.

This statue was outside one of the churches. Notice how the toe has changed color from so many people rubbing it or kissing it for good luck.

Brett's Grgur Ninski impression.

It seemed like every rooftop in the country was the same color.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Team Croatia Missions Trip -Day 4

I was hoping I would recap the missions trip on a daily basis, but unfortunately, real life gets me sidetracked too often.

Day 4 in Croatia was a Thursday. The ladies held Vacation Bible School for the children again in the morning, while the guys headed out to the town square. Still, quite a few kids showed up that day, maybe even a few more from the day before. Our team brought white t-shirts and fabric markers and let them all design their own shirt to keep. I must have left my camera behind that day, because I have no pictures of that morning.

After lunch, the whole group headed into the main part of Cakovec to witness to the locals, pass out tracts, and meet people.

Down that pathway is the main square of the town, with shops and eateries along the side. The buildings and architecture are stunning and quaint at the same time. The team split up in small groups of two and three and stationed ourselves at various spots around the square.

Lizzie stood at a corner in front of a bank. In contrast to our Ireland trip, we really had to break through the language barrier. We weren't able to converse in Croatian, and most Croatians spoke very little English, if at all. Typically, the younger ones had a greater chance of knowing English. However, the tracts we handed out were all written in Croatian, so our job was to hand out as many as we could, and if they happened to speak English, then we could start a conversation with them.

Here's Brett, in his Titleist visor :) speaking with a couple of people. Most of our encounters started us with saying, Dobre dan, meaning hello. We would ask if they spoke English. If they said no, we would hand them a tract and tell them it was for them to read and have a good day. If they said yes, then we told them we were from America, and came over to their country to spread the good news that Jesus loves them. We said, there are a lot of religions out there that teach you have to DO something in order to earn salvation, but Jesus Christ died on the cross so that you DON'T have to do anything, but accept the free gift he gave. In our limited English conversations, we tried to convey the grace the Christ offers frees them from the bondage of sin and works. Several people were saved as a result of conversations like this throughout the week.

Lizzie and me at the end of the afternoon. We got to know each other really well on this trip, and I believe that she's a fantastic friend who is fun to hang out with. Lizzie is going through medical school, is "wicked smahrt", and she is the person to go to if you ever want to learn more about microphagia, western blots, and all other cellular biology topics. Her heart seeks to serve the Lord and I'm already praying that her medical residency keeps her in Toledo, because I would sure hate for her to have to give up her medical career to stay in this area :)

The castle in Cakovec. I'm sure it has some official name, but I forget it now.

More of the castle.

At the end of the afternoon, we went walking around for awhile, taking in the sights of the town.

Thursday evening was the second night of the evening meetings at the Baptist Church. Jeff spoke with the help of Pastor Rich, the translator. It must be difficult to speak only a sentence or two at a time, then pause while it is spoken in another language. Listening to it, however, wasn't a problem at all and your mind got used to the back and forth sounds.
Stay tuned for Day 5 . . .