Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I just got my camera lens back from Nikon yesterday . . .too late for any Christmas pictures of my own. Bummer. I pulled this pic off a friend's myspace album. . .the kids attended her son's birthday party last week.

I get to pick up the car rental today, been driving the church van for a week now since no rentals have been available. My own car won't be fixed until late next week, however. Been getting mail already from attorneys wanting to know if I want to sue the everloving pants off the beast who caused such pain and suffering by broadsiding me in the slick ice and snow. Sorry, I just don't think I'm entitled to big money and causing hardship on someone else because of an accident. If he'd been drinking or grossly negligent, maybe, but not because of a relatively minor accident caused by icy conditions. I wouldn't want someone else treating me that way. I am, however, going to go to a chiropractor for the first time ever. My neck and shoulder are definitely knotted up, we'll see what they can do.

Congrats to my brother and his wife on the birth of their son this morning, Jaxson Keith Holland. I'm awaiting pics . . .

Friday, December 26, 2008

Looong time since posting, I've just been terribly busy. Plus, my camera lens is broken and is currently at Nikon getting repaired. Bad timing for the holidays, so I've snagged photos that other people have taken recently.

We had old-fashioned carolers at our Christmas Eve candlelight service. Baylea and Molly tried on the hats afterwards.

Cole being Cole, I guess. He also did this scary face to a girl in the pew in front of him during the service.

Goofing off in the church office.

Where was Connor during all of this? He fell asleep during the service, so I left him on the pew for about 45 minutes while we finished getting ready to go home. He missed the candles and everything!