Wednesday, March 21, 2007

To be fair to the kids, I'll post mine too.

Molly's Celebrity Look Alikes

Baylea's Celebrity Look-Alikes

Connor's Celebrity Look-Alikes

This cracked me up. How do these people look similar and how in the world do they look like Connor? I've never seen such a mix of faces!
It's Connor comedy week, guys.

Last night, I was laying down with him and he was in a talkative mood. He said, "Mom, I wish God could make me a real light saber." He envisions the whole family wielding real light sabers, fighting off the bad guys.

Then, I started asking him questions about preschool. I said, "What's your favorite thing to do at preschool?"

He said, "Playing. . . reading. . .projects."

I'd never heard him use the word projects before, so I asked him what kind.

Connor goes, "You know. . doing crap."

"What?" That's another word I'd never heard him say. It's not the worst word per se, but for some hypocritical reason, it sounds so much worse coming out of the mouth of a four year old.

He replied, "Like when we make things."

I said,"You mean crafts?"

"Yeah, I like to do crafts."

Oh, that's better. I know I can't shield him forever, and he'll pick up on enough stuff next year in kindergarten, it just kind off caught me off guard.

Baylea comes home all the time repeating the latest in 2nd grade humor. You know, "Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg." She was completely surprised to discover that I sang that in 2nd grade too.

Molly tells her current favorite joke by pointing to her chin and saying, "What do you eat under here?" To which you say, under where? Haha, you eat underwear. That joke doesn't get old with her.

They can't believe that we have actually heard the jokes they're telling.