I can't stop looking at this website. It has probably 70-100 pages, and one evening not too long ago, I viewed every single one! Toys from my childhood, long-forgotten favorite foods, and 80's memories in general -how could I not love it?
Three items stood out in particular and were a huge part of my pre-school days:

The Fisher-Price medical kit! I think I lost the pill bottle early on, because I don't remember it, but the stethoscope worked surprisingly well and the blood pressure thingy was fun to spin round and round. The medical kits are still sold today, but they just don't appear nearly as cool. Now get off my lawn. Not an earth-shattering post, but I've had fun revisiting slices of my childhood. What are some of your favorite toys?
I'll try to do better with my blog updates, I've even had TWO whole requests for me to get back at it. I'm currently mad at my camera, which has been casting dark shadows on my pics lately, so we'll see what I can do.