Brett got some "help" with the mowing.

It's been so wonderful to be outside lately! We had such a long, drawn-out winter, I'm so glad for spring to be here. Brett's been keeping up on the lawn, it's amazing how quickly things will spring up. Yesterday he mowed in the morning, and by the time we got home in the evening, there were thousands of dandelions 6 inches tall!

It's fun to hear Baylea learn new phrases and attempt to incorporate them into her conversations. Lately, everything has been "literally" this, and "literally" that. Of course, most adults misuse that phrase, too. There's another phrase Baylea has been trying to use also, that doesn't always fit. For Mother's Day, she made me a magnet that was shaped like a flower. In each petal, she wrote something nice . . .I love you or You're the best! My favorite one, though, said: UR #1, No offense.
Offense not taken.
1 comment:
Baylea-love the glasses. I never noticed you both have matching dimples. Cute!!
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