. . .and sometimes drops a ceiling on your head.

This morning, around 4 a.m., Connor appears at my bedside and says, "Mommy, water is dripping on my bed." Brett and I go upstairs and notice the ceiling is bulging down and there is water dripping out of a crack at the bottom of it. We strip the sheets off the bed, lay out some buckets, tell Connor he can sleep with us, and plan to call someone in the morning. About 15 minutes later, we hear a loud "thunk". I couldn't believe what I saw . . .the ceiling had fallen through like a dropped trap door, and there was two feet of fluffy insulation covering the bed and the floor!

I filled four garbage bags with the insulation, some of it was dry, a lot of it was soaking wet. There's nothing like heavy-duty cleanup in the middle of the night.

In the morning, we looked up through the hole and saw a strip of sky through the roof, which was letting all the rain we've been having lately collect in the attic. I found a strip of shingles in our backyard . . .who knows how long it's been there. Thankfully, the insurance guys have already been to the house and it's all covered. They'll replace the ceiling, repaint, repair the attic, and reshingle the roof!
You can see how one bed was completely untouched, praise the Lord that Connor was unharmed!
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