Miss Baylea is nine today! School was cancelled due to snow and ice, and she was very happy to take the day off on her special day.
This girl has been such a blessing to have. If you give her instructions, she will follow them to a tee. She is excellent at helping out with her sister and brothers, loves to spend time reading, has a goofy side to her that loves to make you laugh, and has a memory for detail like you wouldn't believe. If I can't find my car keys, the first thing I do is ask Baylea. She'll see me haphazardly leave them somewhere, and tells me where to find them 9 times out of 10.
As far as future plans, as of last year, she wanted to own a drug company because they "make a lot of money." This year, she is leaning toward being a fashion designer. She has a video game she likes to play where she designs clothes and "presents" them to fashion judges.
Happy 9th birthday, Bayles! We love you lots and lots!
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