Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It's been a quiet week. Brett left Monday to speak at a camp up north. Baylea went with him, so it's just me and three kiddos. He was worried that Bayles would be bored, but it turns out she has having a blast. He said the campers, mainly high schoolers, have taken her under their wing and are just serving her hand and foot. Of course, she's loving it.

They'll be back on Friday night. Molly and Connor have done pretty well, the weather has been nice so they've spent a lot of time outside. Cole is taking more and more steps. He's at that age that is getting difficult to keep constant watch over him. Everything goes into his mouth, and he hates to be confined to a playpen.

The evenings have been quiet. I've done pretty well staying on top of cleaning and laundry, even. What I've noticed too, is how hard it is to stop watching tv late at night when you have total control of the remote. No ESPN this week!

No really, I miss Brett and Baylea and hope they have a great time. I've felt like something's been missing for the past two days, they need to get back quickly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No ESPN this week? I don't think I could survive!!