Reuben finishes up his ice cream.
What's up Digger?
Lacey and me

We got a good start going, but just as we headed up the slope, the left side of the van sank in the wet ground and all of a sudden, we are stuck with the van leaning over at a terrible angle. It's hard to explain, but it was not a good situation at all. We all kind of froze inside the van, not knowing what to do. The wheels were stuck, so it wasn't going to be moving any more forward, but it felt like it was about to roll over any moment. With 9 passengers in it, if it started rolling, it was not going to be a pretty sight. Maybe what freaked me out more, was when I saw the people in the first van get out and run toward us with panicked looks on their faces. Hhhm, maybe we are in deep trouble . . . I braced my hands against the roof of the van, thinking that if it started rolling I could maybe protect my neck from hitting first. We all kind of didn't know whether to remain completely still or to climb out of the right side of the van, hoping that the shift in weight wouldn't set everything in motion. The rest of the group was surrounding us by now and they told us to climb out as fast as we can. So, we did that. Thankfully, the van did not tip over as we exited to right. After several minutes of discussion, one of the Croatian guys climbed into the van and was able to drive it out of its predicament. We were so thankful that no one was injured and that we didn't have to explain to the van rental place why we were returning a damaged vehicle. We all breathed a sigh of relief and agreed that it would definitely be a story to tell later at home. I know several people have pictures of the whole incident, but my camera was in the van. I'll have to borrow someone's picture and post it sometime.
Anyway, we were able to drive back the other way and made it "home" later that evening.