Hey, it's been awhile since I've posted, for whoever checks this blog. I don't really have that much to report, I guess that's why I've been reluctant to post. Most likely, the winter blues are in full force, I'm grumpy because I'm tired of snow and cold, and it's probably best I don't expose others to my bad attitude. Haha, okay, I already feel a little better.
We had a good weekend. Saturday was another relaxing day, where I got to spend some quality time on the couch, curled up with a book. I can't have peace of mind when there is a book that needs to be finished. Mom gave me the book when I was in Spfd. It's The Innocent Man, by John Grisham, which is a non-fiction account of a man wrongly convicted of murder who spends 12 years on death row before DNA evidence overturns his conviction. It's pretty interesting and harrowing at the same time, just seeing how someone can be convicted of a murder they had nothing to do with. Anyway, I was able to finish the book, then get some housework done.
Church was good too. We had three baptized yesterday. Two of them were from a couple that started coming to church because they were invited by their boss, who got saved last year at Victory. Brett and I took them out to eat a few weeks ago, and led them to the Lord right at the table of the Happy Rose Chinese Buffet! Brett and I joke that we are missionaries called to the restaurants of Toledo, because we have led several people to salvation at the dinner table. Some are called to foreign countries, we are called to local eating establishments, so send your support dollars or Chili's gift certificates so we can continue to minister to those in the area. Haha, just kidding. Anyway, it is exciting to see a couple with no church background become faithful members simply because someone asked them to visit. The husband mentioned that he had noticed such a change in his boss' life over the past year, that he knew he wanted Christ in his life too. Amen! The other one baptized is a young woman from Croatia, but has lived here for the past ten years or so. She has been fun to get to know, and has really shown desire to learn the Bible and serve the Lord. She also is a representative for Estee Lauder, so I have been lucky to get some great products free. (Don't tell Mary Kay.)
Anyway, the kids have been doing well. They all took turns last week with fevers, but everyone is well now. I hope to post some more pictures soon, but I can't find my battery charger to my camera (sorry, Mom.) I know I tucked in a good spot so it wouldn't get lost . . .and I forgot where it is. The girls were off school today for a snow day, but I didn't think the roads were bad at all. I'm sure they appreciated a good four-day weekend,though. They were off Friday for snow, as well.
I'll try not to go as long without posting again.
UPDATE: I found my battery charger -so expect some pictures this week!