The people that attend Victory have been one the greatest blessings in my life. I've probably posted this story before, but it so accurately shows how the Lord has His hand in building His church. In June of 2001, Brett accepted the call to plant a church in Michigan. We planned to hold services in a conference room of the Country Inn & Suites in Dundee.

Initially, there were a couple families that planned on helping get the church planted; however, at the last minute, plans changed. We decided to give it a go anyway and follow through the plan God had laid before us. So, on that June morning, Brett and I, Baylea, age 2,and Molly, age 1, entered into the conference room, organized the chairs, set up the keyboard, and waited. . . no one came. We sat there for about twenty minutes, allowing any latecomers to arrive (we're Baptists, you know). Brett and I resigned to the fact that our first Sunday attendance would be 4, spent some time in prayer, and packed up and went home. The next week, same thing. Are we crazy? We began to wonder.
The third week found us setting up the chairs for unlikely visitors, when the door opened. Brett and I looked at each other. Oh my goodness, somebody came! Who was it? In walked a couple who were acquaintances of friends of ours. We felt like doing cartwheels. We got to know them a little bit, and Brett explained to them the concept of discipleship and shared with them some Scripture. They came back a couple more times, but they were looking more for a mega-church experience. . .and there's a reason why we aren't named VictoryCreek. Others started trickling in, week after week. God was faithful and this tiny church family began to grow.
I reflect on key times in our church's history. Greg and Jen joining to help with worship, purchasing a building, Melanie visiting with future husband Aaron even though we were meeting in an ugly restaurant/bar, Dean dropping in on our HarvestFest activity and bringing his family the next week and every one after that, Josie coming out of nowhere and turning into a disciple-making, people-loving machine, Lydia and Missy creating a dynamic children's ministry. . . it's no small wonder how God has brought these people together, piece by piece, with most of us not knowing each other six years ago.
Sundays are an encouragement to me. I'm amazed to see how many people come, ready to hear from the Bible and willing to follow its leading. Attendance has been in the mid 50's lately, with most everyone hanging out for 45 minutes to an hour afterwards just enjoying the fellowship. It can be said that we truly love each other's company.
Last Sunday night was the first Sunday of the month, where we have a service designated for sharing testimonies, encouragement, and prayer. It's always wonderful to hear what God is doing in the lives of our brothers and sisters. Afterwards we went over to the Zalecki's home to watch the Super Bowl. Thankfully DVRs have eliminated the Super Bowl vs. church attendance dilemma. It was a great time. We stayed fairly late, enough for it to hurt on Monday morning, but it was worth it. It was one of those weekends that you look back and think, what a good day that was.
When our girls were younger, everytime they saw a sign for the Country Inn & Suites, they would say, Hey! That's church! It took them a while for them to realize it was for a hotel. But I still think of the early days of Victory whenever I see the green sign with the red flower and praise the Lord for what has come together over the last six years. Maybe if you ever come across that sign along the highway, you can say a prayer for the people of Victory. The Lord has done wondrous things for us already, pray that we can continue to grow in the Word and reach out to those in our community and impact missions around the world.