Monday, October 23, 2006

Connor got a kick out of this costume, his Inflato-suit. It has a little fan attached in the back that would give him his Superman muscles. He kept worrying about the battery running out, so he kept turning it off, but whenever we got to a spot where workers were handing out candy, he would turn it on again. It was funny watching him stand in front of a full-grown Darth Vader and wait for his muscles to grow. Who would win that battle, anyway- Superman or Darth?

Here they are standing in front of a statue of Thomas Edison.

You have to look closely at the top pumpkin. Go Tigers! Everybody up here is pretty excited that Detroit is in the World Series. I didn't notice until today that John Q. threw out the first pitch last night. How weird is that?

Once we got back to the entrance of the Village, there was a catchy Halloween song playing over and over. Cole got into the rhythm and started bouncing up and down, just like a real Tigger. Bouncin's what Tiggers do best, woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

(A special thanks to Greg, who gave me his old camera.) Posted by Picasa

We had Tigger, Tinkerbell, Superman, and a Michigan cheerleader this year. On Friday, we went to Greenfield Village and walked along the trail, gathering candy and other little favors. The weather was pretty nice, it wasn't even what you call cold. Posted by Picasa

Cole and Brett

This was taken at our HarvestFest this weekend. Cole is really starting to not look like a baby. Sad, sad, sad. Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 09, 2006


I came across this picture over the weekend and it cracked me up. It's from a couple years ago, but I wonder if they were saying-

Molly: Look, Baylea, I'm a ballerina too. Do I hold my arms up like this? Look, Baylea, do you see me? See, I can do what you do.

Baylea: Molly, be quiet. Everyone knows that serious ballerinas hold out their skirts like this and never smile. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Connor started preschool a couple weeks ago and absolutely loves it! The girls never went to preschool, so we really didn't consider it until they had their first day of school this year. Connor went with us to the elementary to see his sisters' classrooms.

We went to Molly's class first. She's a first-grader now, so she'll be going full days all week. She sat right down at her table and was so excited to be there, you could tell. Her teacher did a roll call and Molly spoke up loudly to say, "Here!" Then, we traipsed on over to Baylea's second-grade class, which was already started. There had been plenty of parents in the first-grade room, but no one was watching their kids in the second grade.

We peeked in Baylea's room, but her back was to us. She finally turned around and got this embarrassed smile on her face like, what are you doing here? We waved to her quietly and left. Second grade and she's already not wanting us there. She also refused a princess backpack this year. Of course, it still has pink on it, but no Disney characters.

We headed towards the car, but when we reached the school doors Connor started crying. Apparently he thought he was going to stay at school too. I have a picture of it, I'll try to post it tomorrow. Anyway, we checked into a pre-school that is at a nearby church, and they had only met once. We signed him up and he started going the next week.

Every morning he wakes up and asks if he's going to school that day. His schedule is Tues-Wed-Thurs mornings. After the first week, I asked him what his favorite part about pre-school was. He said, "No punishments." I asked him what that meant and he said, "The teacher doesn't give punishments, she just whistles at us."

I didn't ask how he knew that.